Water Well Inventory and Database Search

Identifying water well locations is critical when detecting potential sensitive receptors to satisfy regulatory requirements. Among other uses, water well database reports are a vital research tool when investigating leaking underground storage tanks, examining old dry cleaning facilities, or conducting oil/gas exploration activities. At Banks Environmental Data, we compile both state and federal water well databases and deliver an easy-to-read report.

Each report includes current aerial imagery and a USGS topographic map. Scanned copies of the original drillers logs are provided when available.

Included within a Water Well Report

  • Well owner name
  • Well type & depth
  • Well completion date
  • Well location coordinates
  • Well identification numbers
  • Well driller logs (when available)

To fulfill numerous state requirements, all Texas water well location reports provide important historical research obtained from well logs contained within the TCEQ Central File Room. Our GIS experts meticulously locate and map out all historical water well logs in your area, producing the most comprehensive water well survey in the state. Driller well logs are included within each PDF report, allowing access to the original water well documentation and additional information when it is available.

Texas Water Well Reports
(designed for drinking water surveys)