City directory searches now providing more for less

A city directory search is a tool used by environmental professionals to identify historical tenants of nearby buildings, which aids in developing an understanding of the activities surrounding a target property.

We are excited to announce that our city directory report just became more powerful. Previously, we offered two different types of city directory searches – a standard search and a premium search. Due to the superior quality of the premium search and positive feedback from clients, we have decided to offer it exclusively. In addition, we have reduced the price considerably to make your dollar go even further when conducting a Phase I assessment with Banks.

Unlike many city directory searches, Banks does not require you to provide an address. You can search directly from a lat/long coordinate, and all historical tenants within a specified radius will be pulled in. This allows you to review not just your target property and adjacent properties, but those catty-corner and beyond. With nationwide search capabilities and reliable results, Banks is proud to be serving environmental professionals across the country with city directory searches, environmental liens, chain of title searches, and numerous other Phase I products.

Want to take a first-hand look? View a city directory sample report here. Feel free to provide any comments and feedback that you may have below.

Stay classy,
Jordan Schmidt environmental professional

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